
 Topics for Exams

Audio for listening


Texts for Reading

№ 1

  I.  1. Read the newspaper opinion column and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Are you proud of being Belarusian?

I am Belarusian because my parents who gave me life and brought me up are Belarusian. And what if I were born in a different country on a different continent? In my opinion, a sense of pride in your country, a sense of belonging to a particular nation develops in a person with time. Therefore at my age, by the way I am 18, I can say quite positively, that I am proud to live in Belarus.

The real treasure of Belarus is its wonderful nature. The country has hundreds of wild forests, rolling hills, green valleys, sweet­scented meadows and golden fields. BeloveshzkayaPushcha is the only place where you can meet mighty European bison in the wild. Belarus is also famous for its clear lakes and ribbon­like rivers, that’s why it’s called a blue­eyed one. The resorts of lakes Naroch and Braslav are open all year round and let tourists experience the unforgettable peaceful atmosphere.

I am proud of the rich heroic history of my country and its people. Although for many centuries we were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania1, the Polish­Lithuanian Commonwelth2 and then the Russian Empire3 we have managed to stay united and haven’t lost our uniqueness. Many foreigners admit that our people are extremely sociable, hospitable, and generous and we are welcoming with visitors. We are also described as resourceful and peaceful. When socializing, Belarusians are open, warm­hearted, fun­loving, humorous and outgoing in spite of all the difficulties they face in their life.

Of course I’m proud of our national holidays and traditions, especially those which are deep­rooted and typical of our nation such as Kalyady, Maslenitsa, Dazhynki. They are unique and make us stand out. Besides, they are of particular interest for tourists because they reflect our culture.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that I’m proud of my country and its people. Each time I go abroad I tell foreigners about our great past and achievements. Each time I leave the country I want to come back again, because I miss it. If I were a talented painter, I would start drawing pictures with its beautiful landscapes; if I could compose verses, I would write lyric poems about it. Belarus is the place where my heart will always belong to!

1 the Grand Duchy of Lithuania [ˈɡrænd  ˈdʌtʃɪəvˌlɪθjʊˈeɪnɪə]ВеликоеКняжествоЛитовское

2 the Polish­LithuanianCommonwelth [ˈpəʊlɪʃ  ˌlɪθjʊˈeɪnɪən ˈkɒmənwelθ]   РечьПосполитаяфедерацияКоролевстваПольскогоиВеликогоКняжестваЛитовского

3 the Russian Empire[ˈrʌʃnˈempaɪə]Российскаяимперия

2.  When did the author understand that he/she is proud of being Belarusian? Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What makes the author be proud of his/her Motherland?

4.  What would the author do if he/she were a creative person?

II. Listen to the story about a girl and answer the questions below.

1.  Why was Whitney worried about going to college?

2.  How did she find a friend?

3.  What lesson did Whitney learn?

III. Let’s talk about accommodation.


№ 2

  I.  1. Read the newspaper opinion column and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

UNESCO World Heritage1 List

Belarus joined UNESCO in 1954. For many years, Belarus has been building up fruitful and dynamic relations with international organizations. Belarus programme of UNESCO activities includes numerous interesting projects in the fields of education, science, information, communications, and, of course, culture. In October 1988, Belarus joined the Convention on the Protection of theWorld Cultural and Natural Heritage. Today four Belarusian sites have already been included into theUNESCO World Heritage List.

In 1992, theBelovezhskayaPushchaNational Park, a natural heritage object and a unique European forest reserve which has been protected since the 14th century, was the first one to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In 2000, theMir Castle Complex, which was built at the beginning of the 16th century, was also added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The successful combination of Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance architecture2 makesMir Castle one of Europe’s most impressive castles. In 2005, two more sites were included into the UNESCO World Heritage List. They are theArchitectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwills in Nesvizhand theStruve Geodetic Arcpoints3.

For centuries theNesvizh Palaceused to be the residence of the Radziwills, one of the richest families in Europe. Today the National Historical and Cultural Museum­ReserveNesvizh is a wonderfully restored castle, which is visited by hundreds of tourists from all parts of the world. No wonder, it has become a landmark of Belarus.

TheStruve Arc is a world famous construction. The same sorts of points are in ten countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, all together 265 points. According to the historical data, there were 31 geodesic points in Belarus, and only 19 survived.

Belarus is going to propose to add Independence Avenue in Minsk for inclusion into theUNESCO World HeritageList as part of the Socialist Postwar Architecture in Central and Eastern Europe.

1 heritage [ˈheritidʒкультурноенаследие

2 Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance architecture [ˈɡɒθɪk, bəˈrɒk, rɪˈneɪsənsˈaːkɪtektʃə] архитектураготики, бароккоиренессанса

3 the Struve Geodetic Arc points [ˈstruːvˌdʒiːəʊˈdetɪkˈaːkˈpɔɪnts] ГеодезическаядугаСтруве, представляющаясобойцепьопорныхпунктовнаблюдения

2.      Belarus is a member of UNESCO. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.      Which Belarusian sites are included on the list for protection?

4.      What other sites does the Belarusian government want to be on the UNESCO List?

II.   Listen to the career counsellor speaking about choosing a career and answer the questions below.

1.  Why is choosing the right job very important?

2.  Which jobs are popular among young people at present?

3.  What advice does the speaker give?

III. Let’s talk about education.

№ 3

  I.  1. Read the newspaper opinion column and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

My ideal school

My ideal secondary school is a safe haven1. It shouldn’t be a place you hate going to, but a place you enjoy attending. I believe it should be social, as well as educational experience. A school should always have a soul… there should always be laughter ringing through the corridors. (Angela, 15, Moscow)

My ideal school is a school quite unlike any school we’ve heard of. This school consists of a large library and basic recreational facilities. There are no classrooms. The school is built on the idea of active learning. No student is forced to learn. (Tanya, 14, Rome)

School is the mould2, which shapes our future. It’s where we spend most of our valuable time — childhood. Yet I know from firsthand experience that many aspects should be changed: the impersonal attitude of some teachers who do everything only for results, instead of creating happy moments and valuable life experience for young people. These young people are far from being an ‘empty pot’ who are ready to be filled with knowledge. They are simply locked boxes full of potential which should be discovered by caring and encouraging teachers. (Anna, 15, Riga)

Schools may be getting good results but they are not helping the students as individuals. It seems to me that it’s the learner who should ask questions. Give us the freedom to ask questions and do help us to find answers. Don’t you see we learn more from our experience and when people trust and respect us? We learn from our mistakes as well. (Hero Joy, 14, Kent)

I think differences make the world go around. Good teachers know it more than Maths rules. I think school must teach differences. And at the moment some schools are doing the opposite, trying to make everyone normal. (Kate, 13, London)

Schools should develop creativity and dreams. When schools teach people not to seek knowledge on their own, people become passive. Everybody has the right to be free and choose what to be and what not to be, schools do not give that option, they have a ‘well organised’ systematic life for you, in which you have to fit. (Luis, 15, Boston)

1 a safe haven [ˈheɪvn]надёжноебезопасноеместо

2 a mould [məʊld] матрица, шаблон

2. One of the children says that school should have a soul. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What do the children want to change at school?

4. Why do the children want more freedom?

II.   Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1.  What is wrong with the accommodation?

2.  Why did the boy oversleep?

3.  What agreement did he reach with the person on Reception?

III. Let’s talk about environment.


№ 4

  I.  1. Read the part of a diary and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Anna’s diary


Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I’ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the thoughts of a thirteen­year­old schoolgirl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest1.

“Paper has more patience than people.” I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands. I was bored and wondering whether to stay in or go out. I finally stayed where I was and decided to start a diary. Yes, paper does have more patience, and since I’m not planning to let anyone else read this notebook, unless I should ever find a real friend, it probably won’t make a bit of difference.

Now I’m back to the point that prompted me to keep a diary in the first place: I don’t have a friend. Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen­year­old girl is completely alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen­year­old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a bunch of admirers who can’t keep their adoring eyes off me and who constantly try to catch a glimpse2 of me in the classroom. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend.

All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things. We don’t seem to be able to get closer, and that’s a problem. Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t trust each other. In any case, that’s just how things are. That’s why I started the diary.

To enhance3 the image of this long­awaited friend in my imagination, I don’t want to write only about facts, but I want the diary to be my friend, and I am going to call this friend Kitty.

1togetoffoneschest чистосердечно признаться в чем-либо, облегчить душу

2tocatch a glimpse [ɡlɪmps] увидеть (на мгновение)

3 to enhance [ɪnˈhaːns] усилить

2.  The author writes when she decided to keep a diary. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What close people did Anna have?

4.  Why did Anna start writing in a diary?

II. Listen to Alice speaking about her first job and answer the questions below.

1.  What job did Alice do?

2.  What difficulties did she have?

3.  What kind of knowledge and skills did she get at her first job?

III. Let’s talk about Belarus.

№ 5

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Be kind and stay safe

Everybody knows that we should be polite and kind to people in real life and online. Unfortunately this doesn’t always happen. Where can you report online abuse1 or unkind messages to yourself or your friends? Do you know how to report and complain about harmful information online? For example, if you see an inappropriate tweet on Twitter you can click on ‘more’ and then choose ‘Report tweet’. You can then block all further tweets from that user.

Even celebrities can be cyberbullied2. Tom Daley, the British Olympic diver, was abused online. His father died during the 2012 Olympic Games and Tom received some very cruel tweets about his indifference towards his father’s health.

Here are our top tips for staying safe online:

1. Be nice! Treat people online as you do in real life.

2. Don’t post anything online that you wouldn’t want people in real life to see.

3. Check your privacy and security settings on social media sites and keep them as private as possible. Make sure you know exactly who can see your posts.

4. Don’t ever post personal information like your home address, your email or your phone number.

5. If you see something online that worries or upsets you, tell an adult about it straight away.

6. Take part in Safer Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day, or SID for short, tries to help people to use the Internet correctly. SID started in 2004 and is organised in February every year in 74 countries around the world to promote safe and responsible use of online technology and mobile phones. Each year there is a different topic such as cyberbullying or social networking. The focus for SID’s next campaign is “Let’s create a better internet together”. SID organisers want children and young people, parents and teachers, as well as businessmen and politicians to work together to build a better internet for all of us, but particularly for children.

There are special lessons prepared for schoolchildren on Safer Internet Day in Britain. You can find out about SID on this website: http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/.

1 abuse [əˈbjuːs] оскорбление

2 to be cyberbullied [ˈsaɪbəbʊlɪd] бытьпреследуемымвкиберпространстве

2.  The journalist writes how to stop bad messages on Twitter. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What can we do to stay safe online? 

4.  Why is SID a good way to stop abuse on the Internet?


II.  Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

    1.   Where does the conversation take place?

    2.   What is the man interested in?

    3.   How much do you need to pay monthly?         

III. Let’s talk about Great Britain.


№ 6

  I.  1. Read the story and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Christmas Tree

Just before Christmas in 1944, a letter arrived at our house in Philadelphia. The postmark was from Tuskegee, Alabama, so we all knew who it was from. We excitedly gathered around Mother as she opened it.

My Dear Mother,

I did not get the leave I expected for Christmas. I will miss all of you. Please leave the Christmas tree up until I make it back. I hope to be home by March.

Love from your son,


I was 17 years old at the time. My heart sank. I felt a deep sadness that my favourite brother would not be home for Christmas. He was one of the Tuskegee Airmen1 and was responsible for maintaining2 the airplanes flying off to fight in World War II. My mother, being the optimist, said, “Well, it looks like we’ll get to have two Christmases this year!” After Christmas, my sister and I worked together to make sure we kept that Christmas tree looking as pretty as possible. This was no easy feat.

By mid­January, the branches dropped so low to the ground that they became a sliding board for the decorations. Each day, ornaments would come crashing to the ground and there were new pine needles3 all over the wooden floor. My sister and I took turns sweeping them up. We moved the ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree, hoping they would stay on.

Each time we freshened that tree up, my sister and I were full of thoughts about Clifton and how happy we would be to see him again. It made us feel that he was close by, even though he was hundreds of miles away. On March 5, the doorbell rang. We ran to the door and gave Clifton a big hug. As he hugged Mother, I could see him looking over her head at the Christmas tree.

“It’s beautiful,” he said. “Thank you.” Clifton opened his presents and told us all sorts of stories about his work in Tuskegee. That night as we slept, we heard a crash in the living room. We all ran to see what had happened. The tree had toppled4 onto the sofa and there were needles and broken ornaments everywhere.

We all had a good laugh. It was fortunate that Clifton gothome!

1 Tuskegee Airmen [tʌsˈkiːɡiːˈeəmən] пилотыизТаскиги

2tomaintain [meɪnˈteɪn] обслуживать, готовить

3 a pineneedle [ˈpaɪnˌniːdl] сосновая иголка

4 to topple [ˈtɒpl] опрокинуться, свалиться

2.  The family got a message from Clifton. Find the extract which says about it and read it aloud.

3.  What was Clifton’s job?

4.  Which facts show that all the family loved Clifton very much?


II.  Listen to three teenagers talking about homework and answer the questions below.

    1.   Why does the first speaker dislike doing homework?

    2.   What does the second speaker have regrets about?

    3.   What are the benefits of doing homework according to the third speaker?

III. Let’s talk about science and modern technologies.

№ 7

  I.  1. Read the story and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

The Condemned Room1

Dear Mom,

I am working very hard on cleaning my room. But I want to go to Katy’s this afternoon to work on our Halloween costumes. Can I finish tomorrow? I would get up early and do it before breakfast and I’ll do a good job. Please, write back.

Love, The Prisoner in Tower # 3


Dear Prisoner, No.

Love, Mom.

For days Sam’s mother never came up to her room. And then one day Sam came home from school and found the Condemned sign on her door. Her mother had made the sign. It said: “The room is condemned. Its owner may not go anywhere or do anything until the area is restored”. In other words, Sam was to stay in until she cleaned her room.

It wasn’t fair. She was always getting the Condemned sign. Her brother hardly ever did. And his room was really disgusting, with posters of rock stars and basketball stars and movie stars wearing tiny bikinis covering every inch of his walls. But, her mother pointed out, his floor was clean and his desk as well. That was all she cared about.

Sam had been in her room for three hours now. She sat on the floor, looking at everything she was supposed to be putting away. It was possible she might be there all day. There were her clothes, lying high on her chair and overflowing onto the floor. Dirty shoes. An umbrella from when it rained on Tuesday. Library books. Magazines with pictures of cool teen­movie stars that Rebecca had given her. Her piano music from yesterday’s lesson. And different little things: nail polish remover, cotton balls, a tennis­ball, a note pad from Katy, rocks from rock collection they were making for science, pencils, chewing gum. And about twelve dirty handkerchiefs.

The thing to do, Sam decided, was sort everything into piles. A pile of dirty laundry, a pile of her dresser drawers, a pile to throw away. That was how her father, the organization man, would do it. She sighed. It was impossible to imagine she couldn’t leave her room all weekend. She decided to paint her finger nails instead.

1acondemnedroom [kənˈdemdˈruːm] комната, признаннаянебезопаснойдляпроживания

2.  The author tells us about her brother’s room. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What made Sam’s Mum write a message?

4.  Is Sam going to clean the room? Why do you think so?

II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1.  Where was Tina going to?

2.  What happened at the airport?

3.  Why was Tina scared during the flight?

III. Let’s talk about art.

№ 8

  I.  1. Read the story and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Great grandad

It was a funny and surprising thing that brought Grandad back to me. It was algebra. I couldn’t cope with algebra in my first year at secondary school, and it made me mad. “I don’t see the point of it,” I screamed. “I don’t know what it’s for!”

Grandad, as it turned out, liked algebra and he sat opposite me and didn’t say anything for a while, considering my problem in that careful expressionless way of his.

Eventually he said, “Why do you do PE1 at school?”


“PE. Why do they make you do it?”

“Because they hate us?” I suggested.

“And the other reason?”

“To keep us fit, I suppose.”

“Physically fit, yes.”

He reached across the table and put the first two fingers of each hand on the sides of my head.

“There is also mental fitness, isn’t there? I can explain to you why algebra is useful. But that is not what algebra is really for.”

He moved his fingers gently on my head.

“It’s to keep what is in here healthy. PE is for the head. And the great thing is you can do it sitting down. Now, let us use these little puzzles here to take our brains for a jog2.”

And it worked. Not that I fell in love with algebra. But I did come to see that it was possible to enjoy it. Grandad taught me that maths signs and symbols were not just marks on paper. They were not flat. There were three­dimensional, and you could approach them from different directions. You could take them apart and put them together in a variety of shapes, like Lego. I stopped being afraid of them.

I didn’t know it at the time, of course, but those homework sessions helped me to discover my Grandad. Algebra turned out to be the key that opened the invisible door he lived behind and let me in.

Now I learnt that Grandad’s world was full of miracles and mazes3, mirrors and misleading signs. He was fascinated by riddles and codes and labyrinths4, by the origin of place names, by grammar, by slang, by jokes — although he never laughed at them — by anything that might mean something else. I discovered My Grandad.

1 PE [ˌpiːˈiː] физкультура

2 to take our brains for a jog [əˈdʒɒɡ] шевелитьмозгами

3a maze [meɪzпутаница

4a labyrinth [ˈlæbərɪ] лабиринт

2.  The author says she had problems with algebra. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  How did  the girl’s Granddad help her understand the subject?

4.  What else did the author understand about her Granddad?

II. Listen to the member of the Greenpeace organisation telling a story about whales and answer the questions below.

1.  How did Uncle Roger explain to the boy why the whales were on the beach?

2.  How did the people help them?

3.  How did this event affect the story-teller’s life?

III. Let’s talk about your future career.

№ 9

  I.  1. Read the interview with a British businessman and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Journalist: Do people in your country depend a lot on technology for communication?

Businessman: Yes. Everybody’s using all kinds of phones, mobiles and Internet services. I think the benefits of the computers cannot be denied. They save valuable time and space. Time­consuming tasks such as checking bank accounts can now be done in a matter of minutes and a large volume of information is economically stored on tiny disks. In addition, with immediate access to the Internet, we can always keep up with global and current issues and explore the world from the comfort of our homes.

Journalist: Do you manage to keep up with the development of technologies?

Businessman: I think the fact that methods in business have moved ahead at such speed has meant that we generally have to keep up with it all, whether we want to or not. Otherwise, we’ll be left behind. In fact this need to keep up has also entered the home, where a lot of people spend much money on computer equipment when all they do is play games.

Journalist: How different would everyday life be without technological means of communication?

Businessman: Of course, life would be very different without all these means of communication. For those working in the world of business, life would be much more difficult as it would take much longer to get in touch with other companies and to come to agreement on important matters. Basically, if we didn’t have email systems at home or mobile phones, etc., it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I mean, we survived before, didn’t we?

Journalist: How do you feel about mobile phones?

Businessman: I personally find them useful and necessary. They’re convenient if there’s an emergency on a business trip or when you’re in the middle of nowhere or need to contact the police or your family for example. Though, I do feel that they are overused in many cases. Think about how many people spend hours just chatting about silly, unimportant things or looking through sites for no special reason even at work.

2.  What are the benefits of the computers? Read aloud the extract which describes them.

3.  How do businessmen benefit from using technological means of communication at their workplace?

4.  When are technological means of communication misused?

II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1.  Where does the action take place?

2.  What happened to the furniture in the grandmother’s room?

3.  Why were Martin and his friend scared?

III. Let’s talk about your family.

№ 10

1.  Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

What is a good family?

Building a successful family is like building a house. Both need a plan. The best way to be organised as a family is to talk about family matters. By doing this, families enjoy a special closeness and stability. Choosing to spend time with your family sends a message more powerful than words.

How much time should families spend together? That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together because young children need a great deal of physical care and guidance. Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.

Nothing unites a family more than its traditions which include different norms, ways of behavior, customs and views. In united families these traditions are deep-rooted and passed from generation to generation.

Strong families take time to be together and talk to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns over common meals. Members of successful families feel they really belong to their family. They celebrate their victories and help each other learn from their mistakes. They do their household chores together and go to the theatre. At the same time, strong families adapt relationships and family rules when needs arise. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive is a good trait for family members to develop.

Recent studies affirm the importance of love in families. Research shows that expressions of affection towards children reduce behaviour problems and help children’s development. Strong families notice and share positive aspects of each member. They notice the talents, skills and achievements, special qualities and characteristics that make the other person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake and make an effort to develop closeness and show love at home.


2.  The author explains what makes a successful family. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What makes a family united?

4.  How much time should family members spend together?

II. Listen to the girl speaking about her eating habits and answer the questions below.

1.  What problem does the girl have?

2.  What makes the girl think that her habit is harmful?

3.  Why can’t she stop eating chocolate?

III. Let’s talk about youth and society.

№ 11

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Pythagoras is often described as a very important mathematician, yet we know little about his achievements. What we do know is that he was the leader of a society which was half scientific and half religious. It was a secret society and today Pythagoras is still a mysterious figure.

It is believed that Pythagoras was born on the Greek island of Samos. His father was a merchant, and as a child, Pythagoras travelled with him selling their goods. Pythagoras was well educated. He learned music and poetry and had three philosophers to teach him who introduced Pythagoras to mathematics and advised him to travel to Egypt to learn more about mathematics and astronomy. So in 535 BC, Pythagoras travelled to Egypt where he visited many temples and took part in discussions with priests. Many of the customs he learnt in Egypt he came to adopt. For example, the Egyptian priests refused to eat beans and wear animal skins, as did Pythagoras later in his life.

In 525 BC the King of Persia invaded Egypt. Pythagoras was taken prisoner and was transported to Babylon. It was here, taught by the Babylonians, that he reached perfection in arithmetic and music. When Pythagoras returned to Samos he founded there a school which was called ‘The Semicircle’. It seems that the people of Samos did not appreciate the teaching methods of Pythagoras and they treated him rudely and improperly. Furthermore, they wanted to involve Pythagoras in local politics against his will. For these reasons, he went to Italy.

Pythagoras believed that numbers rule the universe and that numbers are present in all things. He also connected mathematics to music and recognized the healing power of music. He used it as a kind of therapy to help those who were ill. Another of his beliefs was that there are three types of men: those who love wisdom, those who love honour and those who love wealth.

Pythagoras was a mathematician, an astronomer, and a philosopher. Today we remember him best for his famous geometry theorem, known as Pythagoras’ theorem.2

1 Pythagoras [paɪˈθæɡərəs] Пифагор

2 Pythagoras’ theorem [paɪˈθæɡərəsɪzˈθɪərəm] теоремаПифагора

2.  Where did Pythagoras go to learn mathematics and astronomy? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  Why did Pythagoras go to Italy?

4.  What are the three types of men according to Pythagoras?

II. Listen to the interview with Mr Ron Cansler taken by the Youth Magazine and answer the questions below.

1.  How old is MrCansler?

2.  What kind of life did he have when he was young?

3.  What does he recommend listeners to do?

III. Let’s talk about mass media.

№ 12

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Possibly the most famous female pilot ever, Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in Kansas, the USA. Amelia had a difficult and unsettled childhood. Her family travelled a great deal so her father could find work. Although she often missed school, Amelia was nevertheless considered to be very bright academically. She enjoyed reading and poetry as well as sports, especially basketball and tennis.

After graduating from high school, instead of going to college, Amelia decided to study nursing. During the First World War, she worked as a military nurse in Canada. When the war ended she became a social worker back in America and taught English to immigrants. In her free time, Amelia enjoyed going to air shows and watching aerial stunts1, which were very popular during the 1920s. Her fascination with flying began when, at one of those shows, she took a ten­minute ride, and from that moment on she knew she had to learn to fly.

Amelia took on several odd jobs to pay for the flying lessons and after a year, she had saved enough money to buy her own plane. She organisedcross­country air races for women pilots and formed a now famous women pilots’ organisation, called the ‘Ninety­Nines’. One day Amelia received an invitation to be the first woman ever to make the flight across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain. Amelia made the flight in 1928 and, although she was only a passenger and two men flew the plane, it made her a celebrity. She also met there her future husband, George Putman, a publisher, who arranged the flight and organised all the publicity.

In 1932 Amelia and George decided Amelia should make the Atlantic crossing from America to Britain alone. She broke several records on this flight; she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo, the only person to have flown it twice and she established a new transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours and 30 minutes. Understandably, she became even more famous as a result earning respect for women pilots all over the world by proving that women could fly as well as men, if not better.

1 an aerial stunt [ˈeərɪəlˈstʌnt] фигуравысшегопилотажа

2.  How did Amelia get interested in flying? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What invitation did Amelia receive one day?

4.  Why did Amelia become famous?


II.  Listen to the conversation between Nancy and her mum and answer the questions below.

1. What do Nancy’s parents worry about?

2. Why does Nancy refuse to do household chores?

3. What arguments does Mum use to make Nancy clean the room?    

III. Let’s talk about mass media.


№ 13

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


In today’s modern world, people are constantly looking for ways to avoid stress and improve their lifestyle. Too much stress can lead to a variety of illnesses from headaches to high blood pressure. Simple things, such as driving to and from work on a daily basis, can be such a stressful experience that many people are left feeling totally exhausted. Cars can give normally peaceful people a feeling of power that can make them more aggressive.

Fortunately, there are various means of public transport to choose from within modern towns and cities. Sometimes, all we need to do is to change a few of our long­standing habits in order to discover a much more comfortable way of life. By simply planning journeys, not only can we save time and money, but we can also reduce stress levels dramatically. By using public transport everybody wins. Most towns and cities are well­covered by bus, tram and metro services. While making use of these services, you are also helping against increasing levels of pollution.

Public transport systems have improved considerably in recent years and there is now more focus on environmentally friendly forms. For example, old tram systems have been reintroduced into many European cities, making movement across large areas much faster and ‘cleaner’.

Another way of reducing levels of both stress and pollution is an introduction of an environmentally friendly network of cycle tracks. The aim of building cycle tracks is to motivate people to use their bicycles instead of their cars. So, next time you see your neighbor or colleague waiting at a bus stop as you drive by, don’t feel sorry for him because he will, no doubt, arrive at the office much earlier than you as you will still be fighting to find a parking space.

Or you might consider another way of getting to work. Carpooling2 is a relatively new and convenient system when several people arrange to share one private car to get to work. And some companies have already introduced a plan where those who carpool get preferential parking in the company garage.

1commuting [ˈmjʊːtɪŋ] ежедневные поездки на работу в город из пригорода и обратно

2tocarpool [ˈkaːpuːl] ездить на одной машине, подвозить по очереди

2.  The network of public transport has improved lately. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  How can we help reduce pollution?

4.  Why is carpooling convenient?


II. Listen to the advice how to make a good friend  and answer the questions below.

    1.   How do people feel if they have no friend?

    2.   What qualities does a good friend have?

    3.   Why is it good to be a real friend?

III. Let’s talk about international cooperation.


№ 14

I.        Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Video Blogger

In April 2007, a 16­year­old English boy named Charlie McDonnell was studying for his exams. But he was bored, so he turned on his computer and started surfing the web. He soon found a website called YouTube and within minutes he was watching a video of another teenager sitting in his bedroom and talking to his computer about how bored he was. ‘I could do better than that!’ thought Charlie. So, using a cheap computer and a webcam, he made his first video blog and posted it on YouTube under the name Charlieissocoollike.

A few days after the first video Charlie found that he had 150 subscribers. Encouraged by this, he went on to make more videos. A month later Charlie’s audience grew and he started to get hundreds of video messages from his fans. “It was really strange,” says Charlie. “I’d been talking to my computer for a month and suddenly my computer started talking back to me!”

His next big success came a few months later when Oprah Winfrey, the famous American TV host, showed one of Charlie’s comedy videos called How to be English on her programme, which made him popular in the USA too.

Charlie also realised he could use his fame to help people less fortunate than himself. To celebrate his 18th birthday, he raised £5,000 for cancer research. He raised four times as much when he co­presented a live show on the Internet. He stayed awake for 24 hours performing challenges from viewers. All the money went to the children’s charity UNICEF1.

But what is the secret of his popularity? “I just make videos that I would want to watch,” he says, “and I’m not trying to sell anything. I’m just trying to talk with people and that’s it for me.” His honesty and modesty are perhaps the main reasons why Charlie is so well liked. And of course, he is a talented song writer, camera man, actor and singer.

And if you were wondering how Charlie did in his exams back in 2007...well, he passed with nine A grades and one B! He says that he wants to go on to study at university in the future but decided to try and make a career on YouTube before that.

1UNICEF [ˈjuːnɪsef] ДетскийфондООН

2.  Charlie says how the idea of making a video crossed his mind. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  How did he become popular?

4.  Why do people like Charlie?


II.  Listen to Huan, a Chinese man, speaking about moving out and answer the questions below.

    1. Why do young people prefer to live with their parents in Hong Kong?

    2. How did Huan’s parents react to his decision?

    3. What are the advantages of living on your own?       

III. Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.

№ 15

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Residential buildings are responsible for consuming 27% of the total amount of energy consumed within Europe and are the biggest source of global warming in the world. This is a fact that has, until recently, been overlooked by lawmakers trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, who have concentrated their efforts on industry and transport. The EU has now passed a new law which intends to cut considerably carbon dioxide emissions1 from buildings. This means that each of us can now save the planet from the comfort of our own homes.

The first things we can do are simple and easy. We can block up draughts2, switch off unnecessary lights and make sure cold and hot water taps are not left running. The next step requires more planning and some expense, but as well as saving energy, we will also save on bills. Many homes have window and roof insulation3 but it is rarely enough. Full insulation can have a dramatic effect on energy consumption. We should use energy efficient light bulbs. These are usually expensive to buy but consume less than half the energy of standard bulbs. These bulbs last much longer than conventional light bulbs reducing the consumption of resources. Also, thermal solar panels are very efficient. They are capable of providing all the hot water you need.

We can install a ‘grey’ water recycling system. At present water used to flush the toilets is of the same drinkable quality that comes out of the taps4. This is an unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification. A grey water recycling system cleans water that has been used for washing and sends it through the toilet system reducing the use of clean drinking water.

New buildings have more energy saving features in their design. They can have a wooden structure, extensive insulation, electronic environmental controls, triple glazing5, a non­polluting heating system and a turf6 roof. However, it is how we deal with our present homes that will determine housing’s contribution to global warming. It’s down to each of us, so get insulating!

1 carbon dioxide emissions [ˈkaːbəndaɪˈɒkˈsaɪdɪˈmɪʃnz]выбросыуглекислогогаза

2а draught [draːft] сквозняк

3insulation [ˌɪnsjʊˈleɪʃn] изоляция, утепление

4 a tap [tæp] кран

5 glazing [ˈɡleɪzɪŋ] вставкастекoл

6 turf [tзːf] торф

2.  What energy saving features in the design of the building are used nowadays? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What can we do to cut carbon dioxide emissions from buildings?

4.  What is considered to be an unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification?

II. Listen to the tour guide and answer the questions below.

1.  What sort of tour is it?

2.  What will the tourists see on the tour?

3.  Why does the tourist ask to return the money?

III. Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.


№ 16

  I.  1. Read the extract and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Wemmick’s house was a little wooden cottage in the middle of a large garden. The top of the house had been built and painted like a battery loaded with guns. I said I really liked it. I think Wemmick’s house was the tiniest I had ever seen. It had very few windows and the door was almost too small to get in.

‘Look,’ said Wemmick, ‘after I have crossed this bridge, I raise it so that nobody can enter the Castle.’

The ‘bridge’ was a plank1 and it crossed a gap about four feet2 wide and two feet deep. But I enjoyed seeing the smile on Wemmick’s face and the pride with which he raised his bridge. The gun on the roof of the house, he told me, was fired every night at nine o’clock. I later heard it. Immediately, it made an impressive sound.

‘At the back,’ he said, ‘there are chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits. I’ve also got my own little vegetable garden and I grow cucumbers. Wait until supper and you’ll see for yourself what kind of salad I can make. If the Castle is ever attacked, I will be able to survive for quite a while,’ he said with a smile, but at the same time seriously.

Then Wemmick showed me his collection of curiosities. They were mostly to do with being on the wrong side of the law: a pen with which a famous forgery3 had been committed, some locks of hair, several manuscript confessions written from prison.

‘I am my own engineer, my own carpenter, my own plumber and my own gardener. I am my own Jack of all Trades4,’ said Wemmick, receiving my compliments. Wemmick told me that it had taken many years to bring his property to this state of perfection.

 ‘Is it your own, Mr. Wemmick?’

‘Oh yes, I have got a hold of it a bit at a time. I have absolute ownership now. You know, the office is one thing, and private life is another. When I go to the office, I leave the Castle behind me, and when I come to the Castle, I leave the office behind me. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to do the same. I don’t want to talk about my home in a professional manner’.

1plank [plæŋk] брус, доска

2feet [fiːt] — мн. ч. от foot — мера длины, равная 30,48 см

3а forgery [ˈfɒdʒərɪ] подделка документа


2.  ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’. Read aloud the extract which proves this idea.

3.  What do we understand about Wemmick’s home life?

4.  Why does Wemmick call himself Jack of all Trades?

II. Listen to a part of the interview with a thirteen-year old writer, Sally Myers, and answer the questions below.

1. What made Sally write the book?

2. What did Sally’s Dad think about the book?

3. How did Sally’s life change after publishing the book?

III. Let’s talk about tourism.

№ 17

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Mother Teresa was a simple nun1. She never wanted to be famous, but everyone in the world knows who she is.

Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in what is now Macedonia2. She was the youngest of three children. Agnes’3 father died when she was a child. Her mother made dresses to support the family. Agnes’ mother also liked to do charity work, such as visiting the sick. Agnes often went with her, and she enjoyed helping these people.

Even as a child, Agnes wanted to be a nun. When she was 18 years old, she joined a group of nuns in India. There, she chose the name Teresa. Then she went to Calcutta to work at St. Mary’s School, in a convent4. Sister Teresa worked there for 20 years and eventually became the principal.

One day in 1946 Sister Teresa was riding on a train to Darjeeling5. She looked out of the window and saw dirty children wearing rags and sleeping in doorways. Sick and dying people were lying on dirty streets. At that moment, she believed God sent her a message. She decided to go to work with the poor.

Two years later, Sister Teresa left the convent and opened a school for the kids from poor families. Though at the very beginning the school had no roof, no walls, and no chairs, later it became well­known all around India. In 1948, Sister Teresa started her own group of nuns. They were called the Missionaries of Charity. The nuns lived in the slums6 with people who were poor, dirty, and sick. It was hard work and the days were long. But many young nuns came from around the world to join Mother Teresa.

Later, she started homes for children without families. She also started clinics. Over the years, news of her work spread around the world. Many people sent her donations of money, others came to work with her. By 1990 the Missionaries of Charity were working in 400 centres around the world.

Mother Teresa got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. But she always said her greatest reward was helping people. Her message to the world was: ‘We can do no great things — only small things with great love’.

1 a nun [nʌn] монахиня

2 Macedonia [ˌmæsəˈʊnɪə] Македония

3Agnes [ˈæɡnɪs] Агнес

4 a convent [ˈkɒnv(ə)nt] монастырь

5 Darjeeling [daːˈdʒiːlɪŋ] Дарджилинг(город)

6 slums трущобы

2.  The author writes about Mother Teresa’s family. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  Why did Mother Teresa decide to devote her life to people in need?

4.  What did Mother Teresa do for people?

II. Listen to the interview and answer the questions below.

1.  What does Jackie want to become?

2.  Why has she chosen this profession?

3.  Why is it important for students to do sport at school?

III. Let’s talk about accommodation.


№ 18

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

The most mystique1 picture

Every hour about 1,500 people visit the Louvre Museum in Paris with the specific intention of seeing one particular painting: the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Most of these visitors look at the painting for about three minutes before they walk back to the tourist buses outside.

Leonardo loved the painting very much and people say that he took it everywhere with him. The painting was originally ordered by a rich businessman in Florence, who wanted a portrait of his wife, Lisa. Leonardo began the painting in 1503 and he finished it about three or four years later. The fact that Leonardo wanted to keep the painting himself, adds to the Mona Lisa’s mystique.

Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile has fascinated everyone who has ever seen the painting. In his Lives of the Artists, written just a few years after Leonardo’s death, Giorgio Vasari wrote, ‘While painting Mona Lisa Leonardo employed singers and musicians to keep her happy and so avoid the sadness that painters usually give to portraits. As a result, there was a smile that seemed divine2 rather than human; and those who saw it were amazed to find how alive and real it appeared.’

Modern art critics also emphasise how the portrait seems alive and real. ‘She is like a living person,’ writes art historian E.H. Gombrich, ‘She seems to change before our eyes. Even in photographs we can experience this strange effect. Sometimes she seems to be looking down on us, and sometimes we can detect sadness in her smile. All this sounds rather mysterious, and it is; that is so often the effect of a great work of art.’

The Mona Lisa is certainly a masterpiece, a magnificent work of art, but it is also a part of modern popular culture. Her image appears on plates, T­shirts, mouse pads and in advertisements. Perhaps for this reason, officials at the Louvre Museum placed the painting in a specially built area in a room with other great 16th century Italian paintings. In this way, visitors have a better chance to appreciate the painting as a work of art rather than as a tourist attraction.

1 mystique [mɪˈstiːk] таинственный

2 divine [dɪˈvaɪn] божественный

2.  Why is Mona Lisa smiling? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What makes the Mona Lisa so special?

4.  Why is the painting displayed in an exceptional way?

II. Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

1.  What does Christian want to become?

2.  Why does Kate need to learn English?

3.  What piece of advice does Christian give to his friend?

III. Let’s talk about your family.

№ 19

  I.  1. Read the book review and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Book Review

The Guinness Books of World Records1 have certainly changed a lot in the last 60 years. The first Guinness Book was published in August 1955 in London, in Britain. Most editions were small paperbacks printed in black­and­white and contained more text than photographs. Now, there are colour pictures on every page — and the book also includes 3­D images.

This fascinating collection of records is divided into chapters on Space, The Living Planet, Being Human, Human Achievements, Spirit of Adventure, Modern Life, Science & Engineering, Entertainment, Sports, and the Gazetteer2.

Here you will see and read about extremes: for example, the world’s tallest, oldest, shortest, and tiniest — people, plants, animals, buildings. Some have set records for pulling buses, kissing, swimming, ironing clothes, running, and for having the longest legs, the smallest waist, etc.

Some images are a bit strange to look at for too long — check out the woman with the longest fingernails in the world. Also, one man had 14 operations to make himself look like a cat.

There’s a wide range of amazing facts contained on these pages. What is the world’s most expensive hamburger? — It is available in a New York restaurant for $120. Who had the most hit singles on the US music charts? — Elvis Presley, of course, with 151 between 1956 and 2003 (and he died in 1977!). One of the most colourful sections shows records related to space, including some fantastic photographs of Jupiter. Take a look at the top movies such as the first summer blockbuster of all time, the first movie with Dolby sound, and the first to be more expensive than $100 million.

As always, there’s a helpful index in the back of the book, in which you can find subjects of interest in alphabetical order.

Please note that some stunts3 in this book would be quite dangerous — or at least terribly painful — for you to attempt to meet or beat them. Therefore, please don’t attempt to set any world records that would cause risk to you or to others!

1 the Guinness [ˈɡɪnɪs] Books of World Records [ˈrekɔ:dz] КнигарекордовГиннесса

2Gazetteer [ˌɡæzəˈtɪə] географический справочник

3 a stunt [stʌnt] опасный трюк

2.  The author describes how The Guinness Books of  World Records changed with time. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What information will you find in this book?

4.  Why can this book be interesting for the reader?

II. Listen to the young man describing where he lived and answer the questions below.

1.  Why did the man’s family have to rent a flat for about a year?

2.  What was their flat in the capital like?

3.  How many people is he sharing the flat with at present?

III. Let’s talk about your future career.

№ 20

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Angela Rowlands recently tested her teenage children’s ability to do basic household jobs in the house. When Angela and her husband Ben went to Spain for a few weeks’ holiday on the Costa Brava, their son Mark, aged 18, and daughter Frances, aged 16, stayed at home to look after the house. The parents wanted to see how Mark and Frances would manage in the house on their own.

So when they left the house, they did not tell the children that they had prepared a few tests for them. “We took the plug1 off the microwave and took out some good light bulbs2 and put in light bulbs that did not work. We also made sure that there were other problems in the house: with an Italian coffee machine and one of the taps3 in the bathroom,” says Dr Rowlands.

When Dr Rowlands returned from her holiday, she found, as she had expected, that her children had failed the independence test. Mark and Frances had asked an electrician to change the plug on the microwave and to change the light bulbs. They also paid a specialist for repairing the bathroom tap. When they saw that the coffee maker was broken, they went to buy a new one. They even did not think to look for the missing part in the cupboard.

Dr Rowlands was not surprised by the results of her experiment. “A lot of young people today are not able to solve simple problems in the house,” she says. “They often throw things away when they are broken. This is wrong because it shows that young people do not understand how things work or are made. It can also be very expensive because you have to pay other people to do the work for you.”

But repairing broken things is only part of the problem. A lot of young people cannot cook at all. If there is no ready­made meal in the fridge, or if there is nothing to warm up in the microwave, then there is nofood. This can cause health problems.

The truth is that many young people do not want to learn basic household skills as they find them boring. Though, if people want to be prepared for independent life they should learn how to do simple jobs about the house.

1 a plug [plʌɡ] штепсельнаявилка

2 a light bulb [ˈlaɪtbʌlb] лампочка

3 a tap [tæp] кран

2.  Why did Dr Rowlands decide to test her children? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What did the parents prepare for their children?

4.  Do you think the children passed the test? Why do you think so?


II.  Listen to Tom speaking about his day off and answer the questions below.

    1.   How did Tom spend his day off?

    2.   What went wrong?

    3.   What made Tom feel frightened?


III. Let’s talk about Belarus.

№ 21

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Technology is everywhere. We see it any place we go to and, in fact, almost all of us carry some piece of technology with us every time we leave the house. We can’t imagine our life without them. But what we always forget, though, is just how useful and powerful technology can be when we want to help others.

There is not a single room in my house that does not have some gadget lying around in it. Whenever I am at home, providing that I am not sleeping, I am almost always using at least one electronic device. If you walked into my living room on any given day, you would find that, first, I have the television on (along with the other related appliances, such as the DVD player or my current favourite games console1). At the same time, even though multi­tasking is definitely not my strong point, I usually have my laptop resting on my knee, or I will be using my tablet or mobile phone. In the background, the technology that I am not using will most likely be on charge somewhere in the house. Even when I’m not at home I am constantly using my phone. At work or in cafés, I sit down and connect to the local wireless network on my laptop. I must admit that I waste a lot of time on the computer. Instead I could spend it doing some online volunteering.

The technology we carry about everywhere can have a great power to do good for the world and to help others and recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world. From using your language skills to do translations, to developing and managing projects and helping with IT work, there is so much that so many people can do to help people in their own countries and across the world. The United Nations, in fact, has a huge page on its website designed for recruiting volunteers.

This work can support the poor and help charities who otherwise would not have the funding to pay for staff. Many organisations only require you to work an hour a week — some even less. And the support provided by online volunteers can really help make a difference to those in need.

1 games console [ˈɡeɪmzˈkɒnˈʊl] игроваяприставка

2.  The author disapproves of the way people use electronic devices. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What electronic devices does the author often use?

4.  How can online volunteering help people?

II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1.  What is the flat like?

2.  What do Anna and Carlos like and dislike about the flat?

3.  What have they decided to do?

III. Let’s talk about any Enlglish-speaking  country.

№ 22

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

From librarian to political reporter

The Pretenders is a very successful and popular TV series. In each programme there is a contestant who has just four weeks to learn to do a completely new job. At the end of the month the contestant has to do a ‘test’, where he or she has to do the new job together with three other professionals. Three judges have to identify the one who pretends.

Jessica Winters is a 26­year­old librarian. She studied English Literature at the University of Bath before getting a job at the local library. She didn’t know that two of her friends had sent her name to the TV company to take part in The Pretenders. ‘When someone from the company called me, I thought it was a joke,’ said Jessica. ‘First of all, I said ‘no’, in the end my friends and my family persuaded1 me and I agreed.’

Jessica had four weeks to turn from a quiet, shy librarian into a confident TV reporter. At the end of the month she had to interview the Minister of Education. It was her test.

An experienced political journalist, Adam Bowles, had to transform Jessica into a professional. He wasn’t very optimistic when he met her. ‘Jessica needs to be a lot harder, even aggressive. She is much too sweet and shy’, said Adam. ‘Politicians will eat her alive.’ They had just 28 days to teach her how to interview people, how to be confident, how to speak clearly.

Jessica was terrified at the beginning. She watched a lot of live interviews with politicians. Adam made her read the political sections of all the newspapers. It was boring for her and she felt exhausted. Later as soon as she began making progress, she felt more relaxed.

During the interview Jessica felt nervous but well­prepared as she had done much research and had practised a lot. ‘When it was all over, came the worst part, I had to wait while the judges decided which of us they thought wasn’t a professional’. The judges gave their verdict: they were all professional reporters.

For Jessica it was a great experience and she was pleased how she did it, but actually she doesn’t feel like changing her work.

1 to persuade [ˈsweɪd] убедить

2.  The Pretenders is a famous TV programme. Read aloud the extract about it.

3.  How did Jessica make it into the programme?

4.  Why was it an exciting and useful experience for Jessica?


II.  Listen to three people talking about their favourite countries and answer the questions below.

    1.   What country does the first speaker like most?

    2.   What makes Italy a favourite place for the second speaker?

    3.   Why does the third speaker like Argentina?

III. Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.

№ 23

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Mi Luna

Mi Luna is a restaurant in the Rice Village. The atmosphere is lively, and the food is delicious. It is a Spanish cuisine restaurant that you will soon consider one of your favourite restaurants.

There are many reasons why this restaurant is special. One is that they make a wonderful dish called Pulpo con Patatas. It’s a delicious Spanish seafood dish which has the following ingredients: octopus, potatoes, salt, olive oil, and chilepiquin. (Chilepiquin is a special kind of chili that looks like red powder and is very hot.)

Another reason is the place itself. Once you are in the restaurant, you feel a Spanish atmosphere; it is painted with the classical colours that are used in Spain — red, yellow, white, and black. The way this place is decorated is really very impressive. On the walls, there are photos of Spanish bullfighters, taken at the perfect moments of their performances.

On one of the walls, you can enjoy a photo of the famous classical Spanish dance called Flamenco1. In it, the dancers are wearing the traditional clothes, and the lady has in her hands the most famous Spanish musical instrument called castanets2.

The service is pleasant, caring and quick. It makes you want to come back. The waiters just keep looking at your table to find out if you need something. If they see an empty glass, they immediately ask you if you want something else to drink. At all time, they are friendly and ready to clear all the used dishes from your table. They are always smiling because they are trying to make you feel comfortable and happy. They know each dish, so they are able to explain it to you.

On their menu, they serve a large variety of foods, and there is a section on the menu that I like most. In Spain, these dishes are called tapas3. Tapas or appetizers are dishes that have a small amount of food. In this way you will be able to try a lot of different Spanish dishes.

By the time you leave Mi Luna, you are sure to be entirely satisfied and have very good memories of the visit. It is a great place for any occasion, but it is very busy, so don’t forget to book a table first.

1Flamenco  [fləˈmeŋkəʊ] фламенко (испанскийтанец)

2castanets [ˌkæstəˈnets] кастаньеты (традиционный испанский ударный музыкальный инструмент)

3 tapas [ˈtæpəs] тапас (закуска)

2.  The service in Mi Luna is very good. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What makes Mi Luna look very Spanish?

4.  Why should visitors make reservations in Mi Luna in advance?

II. Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

1.  What does Margaret complain about?

2.  Why does Peter need new clothes?

3.  What piece of advice does Margaret give to her friend?

III. Let’s talk about youth and society.

№ 24

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


If you belong to the older generation, Elderhostel is a good place to live.

Elderhostel, founded in 1975, is the world’s largest educational and travel organisation for older adults. Its aim is to excite people’s minds and enrich people’s lives promoting and encouraging different activities among the older generation. There are no examinations or marks. All that you need, in order to enroll on a programme, is enquiring mind1 and an adventurous spirit. Also, of course, you need to believe that learning and discovery continue all your life. There are expert instructors and experienced group leaders for field trips and cultural excursions.

Elderhostel offers a large number of programmes in a huge variety of areas. Amongst other things, it provides simple, online information on activities and services. First of all, there are traditional programmes. Here, people study ancient history, literature, and art, and can learn about different cultures, modern people and issues.

Also, Elderhostel believes that physical activity helps people to keep a positive self­image and contributes to the sense of well­being both mental and physical. Many programmes have keep­fit equipment and a large number of social and cultural events take place there, as well as sporting activities. Regular physical activity can prevent many common illnesses, such as high blood pressure and asthma and it helps people who already have such illnesses. Alongside the usual sports like swimming, hockey and cricket, bowling and tennis, you will find “Dog Clubs” and “Flying Clubs”. Then there is a group of adventure programmes involving activities like hiking, kayaking2, biking and studying whales.

There are also programmes which give people the chance to help communities in different ways, such as protecting endangered species, tutoring school children and building affordable housing.

Finally, there are programmes which take place aboard a boat, anywhere from Antarctic to the Mississippi River.

The word ‘old’ has a very different and very positive meaning in Elderhostel!

1 enquiring mind [ɪnˈkwaəɪrɪŋmaɪnd] пытливый, проницательныйум

2 a kayak [ˈkaɪæk] каяк (лодка)

2.  What kind of organisation is Elderhostel? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3.  What activities does Elderhostel offer?

4.  Why does the word ‘old’ have a positive meaning in Elderhostel?


II.  Listen to three people speaking about how they met their partners and answer the questions below.

    1.   Why was the first speaker surprised?

    2.   When did the second speaker ask the girl out?

    3.   Why did the third speaker think that the girl was awful when they first met?

III. Let’s talk about education.

№ 25

  I.  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


The Internet nowadays is like a huge city full of many different kinds of places and people. As in a real city, there are certain places which are suitable for youngsters and others which need to be avoided.

The Internet neither belongs to nor is controlled by any one person, organisation or government. It gives all of us the opportunity to create materials for others to see. On the other hand, as in ordinary life, there are those who might use it for illegal purposes. The freedom of the Net offers exciting opportunities for youngsters and, by being aware of the possible dangers and taking steps to avoid them, they can happily explore that online world in safety.

The Internet has enabled and advanced new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking. Common sense will certainly help children to use the Internet safely. It is preferable, for example, for parents to get to know who their children are meeting online and make sure they never give out personal information about themselves. Although it is an excellent tool for learning, playing and communicating with others, youngsters should not be allowed to become so involved that they forget other activities important to their development. How often do we hear of youngsters spending all their free time in front of the computer, isolating themselves from other people their age? Computers are admirable tools that improve the quality of life, but when used sensibly. Steve Jobs said: “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them”. Obviously, surfing as a family activity is the best solution, so that any problems that are found can be discussed together.

Parents need to think about safety issues and agree on a set of rules. Just as youngsters are given instructions on road safety, they also need to be instructed on how to travel safely along that superhighway.

2.  The author says that the Internet offers exciting opportunities for youngsters. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3.  What is surfing the Internet compared to?

4.  Why is it important to use the Internet sensibly?

II.  Listen to three people speaking about their work-life balance and answer the questions below.

    1.   What does the first speaker complain about?

    2.   How has the life style of the second speaker changed?

    3.   What does the third speaker think about his way of life and the typical Japanese work-life balance?

III. Let’s talk about tourism.

Topics for Speaking

  1. Let's talk of the Republic of Belarus

The official name of our county is the Republic of Belarus. It's total area is 207,600 km2. It is situated nearly in the extreme western part of the Last-European Plain within the basins of the Dnieper, the Western Dvina and the Upper Neman. It borders on Russia in the north and east, on Lithuania and Latvia in the north-west, on Poland in the west, and on the Ukraine in the south. Belarus stretches for 560 kilometres from south to north and for 650 kilometres from east to west.

Its population is about 9.5 mln people: 83% of Belarusians, 8% of Russians, 3% of Poles and 2% of Ukrainians. 76% of the population live in towns and cities.

Belarus is situated on a plain rising to hills, the highest of which is Mt. Dzcrzhinskaya reaching 350 metres above sea level. There are more than 3,000 rivers in the country. The longest arc the Dnieper, Neman, Western Dvina, Prypiat, Berezina, Sozh and Vilia. Belarus is called a lake-country. There are about 10,800 lakes here noted for their great depth, transparent water and beautiful scenery. The largest of them is Lake Naroch.

The largest forests in Belarus are called pushchas. There are elks and deer, wild boars and wolves, bears and foxes, beavers and lynxes in the forests. Pinewoods, mighty oak groves, birch groves and all sorts of other mixed forest formations arc the charm, wealth and pride of our homeland.

Belarus has a temperate-continental climate with moderate features which is characteristic for Central Europe, with hot summers, long, cold winters and very distinct seasons. The annual average temperature is about 7°C.

The capital of our country is Minsk. Its population is about one fifth of the Country population. In accordance with the political division, Bel­arus consists of six regions: Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno and Mogilev regions.

The Republic of Belarus is a democratic social state with the rule of law. The state power exercised on the basis of its division on legislative, executive and judicial. Belarus is a presidential republic. The President of the Republic of Belarus is a head of state. In accordance with the Constitu­tion the legislative body is the Parliament. The executive power is exer­cised by the Government. The Council of Ministers is the central body of state administration. The local administration is carried through the system of local executive and administrative bodies. The judicial power belongs to the courts. We have two official languages: Belarusian and Russian.

The most developing branches of industry are motor-car construc­tion, machine-tool construction and bearing production, electrical indus­try, oil mining and processing, production of synthesized fiber, fertili­zers, pharmaceutical industry, production of building materials, light and food industries.

Natural conditions of the Republic of Belarus let succesfully pro­duce such highly remunerative kinds of production as milk, beef, pork, meat and eggs of poultry, grain, potatoes, long-fibred flax, white beet and so on.

Our country is famous for its people who arc hospitable, tolerant, hard-working and friendly. I'm proud of my country and its people and I'm happy that it is my homeland.

2. Let's talk about Great Britain

When I think about Great Britain, I immediately think of its geo­graphical position, culture and its people.

As 1 know from my geography lessons, the country is surrounded by seas. The British Isles consist of more than 5000 small islands. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four formerly independent countries. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is about 57 mln peo­ple. This country is famous for great geographical discoveries and glori­ous victories of the British fleet.

When I think about the UK I immediately think of the "foggy Al­bion" and the Cliffs of Dover as it's what you see first coming to the UK by ferry. Of course, 1 think of its capital London. It's a kind of dream of everybody interested in English history and culture. This city can't be confused with any other city in the world. London taxi-cabs, red publish telephones, policemen and the building of Parliament with its famous bell called Big Ben arc considered as its visiting cards.

Thinking about the history of the country I immediately think of York, one of the oldest cities in Britain. This city witnessed the Roman invasion in 43 AD, the landing of Viking hordes in 866 and the ravages of the Wars of the Roses. Now it has become the richest city of the coun­try and the northern capital of England. Young's Motel stands on the actual sight of Guy Fawkes birthplace.

When I think about British literature I think of William Shakespeare. Among his most famous works arc such comedies as Much Ado About Nothing. The Comedy of Errors and A Midsummer Night's Dream and tragedies Romeo and Juliette, Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. I'd like to visit Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. I would try to do my best to get tickets to Swan Theatre and see any of comedies or tragedies by the celebrated playwright.

Scotland is "the birthplace of valour, the country of worth". Fine arts, forts, castles as well as a heartly welcome in an accent that trips the tongue - this is a taste of this glorious country. Edinburgh, is famous for its military tattoo which takes place every August and September and the famous Edinburgh festival where the best performances from all over the world can be seen.

Wales is the land of mountains, green fields, forests and farms. Its inhabitants take a great interest in folk music and singing, its literature is one of the most ancient in Europe. Snowdon, the second highest moun­tain in Great Britain, is situated there. In summer it looks very peaceful and beautiful and a little train runs to it.

British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in Britain we have only weather" which means that the weather is very changeable there.

As well as I know the UK is a parliamentary monarchy. Elizabeth II is its famous queen. She goes in her golden carriage wearing her royal clothes at such traditional ceremonies as Trooping the Colour and the State Opening of Parliament. The British are proud of their monarch and carefully keep up their traditions.

3. Let's talk about choosing a career

It goes without saying that choosing one's career is not a simple thing and it demands careful consideration. You should realistically con­sider your abilities and how to make use of them. You should ask your­self how much you know about the reality of you future job. As a matter of fact, many of us are still on the fantasy level about future jobs, for there is a great difference between the career aspiration and the real world of work. We often neglect the fact that every job has a share bore­dom about it. That's why you'd better think about pros and cons so as not to regret your decision to follow this or that career afterwards. Actu­ally it's not a pleasant thing to stay all your life in a job you don't like. And certainly it's always nice to have a well-paid job and enjoy it.

Getting a job in today's competitive world is not easy. Most jobs re­quire qualifications. So it's better to think about your future job while you are still at school.

Some of my classmates try to choose their future professions under the influence of their parents, whose advice they find helpful and valuable. In my opinion, the final choice should depend on what I am interested in. I want to enjoy my future job. I think I'll be motivated by work satisfaction rather than by profit or a good salary. That's why I work hard at school, staying late hours, sometimes burning my candle at both ends.

I can't say I have made up my mind what my future career will be. But I'm sure it will be connected with the English language. 1 have always realized the importance of foreign languages in the modem world, firstly, it is essential for the development of international contacts in the sphere of political, social, business and cultural relations. Secondly, it offers good job opportunities and it enables you to find work almost anywhere in the world. I'm thinking of learning several foreign lan­guages and making a practical use of them in my future job.

I think 1 would be able to become an English teacher as I'm fond of the English language and British culture. I think I'd like to share my knowledge with pupils. At the same time I think I wouldn't be patient enough to explain the same grammar rules to pupils and correct their mistakes. I don't like doing the same things over and over again.

1 think 1 can find a job which involves a lot of travel, moving around, meeting lots of interesting people. I believe my future career will be connected with international tourism or journalism. At the same time I am aware of the disadvantages such jobs have. People who do these jobs often get fed up with travelling, living in the hotels and having little time to spend with their families. They have to work hard and stay late hours. Their jobs are often stressful and involve risks.

I don't know exactly what practical use I will make of foreign lan­guages in future, but I'm definitely sure that after graduating from uni­versity I will become an educated person, useful for the progress of the society I live in.

4. Let's talk about environment

Computers project that between now and the year of 2030 we are going to have an increase of the average temperature between 1.5 - 4.5 degrees C. Sea levels would rise by several metres, flooding coastal ar­eas and ruining vast tracks of farmland. Huge areas would be infertile and become uninhabitable. Water contamination could lead to shortages of safe drinking water. It looks like the end of civilization on the Earth.

Every year the world's industry pollutes the atmosphere with mil­lions of tons of dust and other harmful substances. The seas and rivers are poisoned with industrial waste. People who live in big cities arc badly affected by harmful discharge from plants and city transport and by the increasing noise level which is bad for human health.

Among the most urgent problems arc depletion of the ozone layer, acid rains and global warming. Another serious environmental problem is the disappearance of forests. There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. The nuclear accident of Chernobyl has seri­ously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. About 18 per cent of the country's soil is unfit for farming and some districts in the south-cast of the country arc dangerous to live in. So nature protection should become everybody's concern.

I believe that environmental disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile. In my opinion, people must obey the unwritten rules of nature. Governments must take serous actions against pollution. Many countries reduce air pollution making plants and factories fit affective fillers on chimneys and car exhausts. They try to use natural recourses more economically. Green zones around big cities are protected and extended.

As well as I know most people in America and Europe arc ecologi­cally-conscious and they do many things to help the environment. For

example, they have so-called "Clean Air Day". Its aim is to encourage people to walk, bike, ride public transit, thereby reducing the use of per­sonal cars. Carpooling is an arrangement among car owners by which each of them takes a turn driving the others to and from a designed place. So less gas is burnt and less emissions are discharged into the at­mosphere. In many countries people work together on the program of sustainable development called "Local Agenda 21", which was set up in 1992.

There are many things people can do at home to help nature. They could waste less water by fixing leaky pipes, turning off the tap while brushing their teeth, taking showers instead of baths. People should re­member that paper is not garbage and it can be recycled. By recycling of one ton of newspapers we save 17 trees. People should buy in bulk so that to eliminate the trash from extra-packaging, they should bike more and use public transport.

1 strongly believe that we must consume less, recycle more, con­serve wildlife and nature, act according to the dictum "think locally, think globally, act locally". If we don't realize that we arc responsible for what's happening around us, we will never feel secure about the fu­ture of the world we live in. 

5. Let's talk about education 

In today's society knowledge has acquired top priority. The most important thing in every knowledge is blowing the mind and molding one's personality. The way of thinking of every person strongly depends on their knowledge. Knowledge helps to acquire a critical understanding of social, economic and political orders and reasonable set of attitudes, values and beliefs. Not to speak about the fact that it develops a sense of self-respect, the capacity to live as independent, self-motivated adults and the ability to function as contributing members of the society. In fact, it's like a candle which gives light in the darkness, as it guides us to do better in life.

Education is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills and ha­bits of a group of people arc transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training and research. When a person is young, they need teachers to help them become a literate and educated person.

Our country has a well-regarded education system. Pre-school edu­cation is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70% of children attend nursery or kindergarten before they start school. According to our Constitution every person has a right to a schoolplace for a child from the age of б or 7. These places arc provided free of charge. Primary and ba­sic secondary school education is compulsory. All students must follow the basic education curriculum up to the age of 15, and the vast majority of them stay at school until they finish secondary school at 17. Children studies at school for 9 years then they may cither continue their education at school or go to colleges and vocational schools. There is a wide choice of schools, colleges, vocational schools, universities and acad­emies to suit all tastes, income and inclinations. There is also postgradu­ate education which gives students opportunity to do research and get an MA, MSc and PhD

In my view, the main principles of the educational system in our country arc the priority of human values, national culture as the basis for education, humanism, scientific basis and support of gifted children. Any person can gel the high-quality education according to their abilities and inclinations.

It's common knowledge that the success of school education de­pends mainly on the teachers, their professional skills, the kind of rela­tionship they can establish with pupils. The task of school is not only to pass some information. Children's characters and perception of the world are formed here.

Face-to-face learning is most common in secondary schools, col­leges and universities. When learning with a group, discussing and de­bating become possible, which usually create a perfect environment to develop critical thinking skills. Such learning also cultivates students' good sense of cooperation. Like 1 said, face-to-face learning has a lot of advantages, but distance learning and doing online courses are becoming more and more popular with high school students nowadays.

A modern person has to know where and how to get information and knowledge in order to have a good job and be a success. People have to get education during all their lives.

6. Let's talk about family

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. There is a wise saying "Blood is thicker than water". From my point of view it means that your parents and other relatives will stick by you in times of need more than other people will.

I do think the family is very important as a unit in our society. Noth­ing else but family can be an emotional centre of people's lives and a transmitter of culture. Understanding between all members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationships. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. In my opinion, when a child is brought up in a friendly family, he or she will become a reliable and responsible per­son with a strong character and mind.

My family consists of my father, my mother, my sister and mc.

I think I'd better start my story with my dad. His name is Vladimir. He is in his late thirties. lie's tall with dark hair and hazel eyes and is of a strong built. He works as an electrician. My father is a very intel­ligent man and he is fond of reading and watching scientific programs In some situations he is very serious but in general he is a cheerful person with a good sense of humour. He enjoys telling funny stones and taking photos. I think I take after my clad both in appearance and in character.

My mother's name is Galina. She is a programmer. She is very in­terested in her work and she is a professional. It has always impressed mc how she can find enough time for both family and work. I can't say that my mother's life is easy as she has to keep the house and work but she manages to do everything in time. She is a strong and charming per­son and she does a good job of being a mother. In fact, she means a lot to mc. She understands mc in the way no other person would and she always finds proper words to comfort mc.

My sister Kale is seven years old. She takes after our mother in her appearance. She is a nice girl with green eyes and long fair hair. She is a first-former. She likes music and dancing. She learns to play the piano. She likes playing with toys and watching cartoons in her free time. I love my sister but sometimes we quarrel about petty things. I think I must be more patient and tolerant with her.

We don't live with our extended family but we have many relations: two grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts, uncles and cousins. All of them live in Belarus and we get together from time to time, mainly on our birthdays or other holidays. It's also our family tradition to spend summer holidays together either at the seaside or in the country, which 1 enjoy very much.

As I've already said the bonds of the family arc always stronger than those between unrelated people. And I am happy to say that my home is a place where even the tea kettle sings from happiness. 1 can say that my parents trust mc, give mc freedom, rely on mc and respect mc. These things, in my opinion, make family relations warm and pleasant.

7. Let's talk about healthy way of life

I believe that health is better than wealth, basically because you can get by living on a small amount of money, but you cannot live without good health, and without good health nothing else is worth having. Peo­ple nowadays arc more health-conscious than they used to be.

In order to be healthy we should avoid bad habits that can affect our health. In my opinion, smoking and drinking alcohol, arc the worst ones. It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking alcohol can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes lung diseases, such as pneumonia, emphysema and cancer, heart attacks and high blood pressure. Besides, it makes teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. In many countries smoking has been banned in most public places because eve­ryone agrees it docs harm to our health. Alcohol causes heart disease and brain damage. A drinker becomes nervous and aggressive, loses friends, and finally loses his work, family and happy life. Teenage drinking is particularly dangerous, because what happens to a grown-up in 10 years will happen to a teenager in two years.

Smoking and drinking arc joined by less dangerous habits, such as skipping meals, eating unhealthy food, or even overeating. If we cat too much, we start to put on weight, and obesity leads to serious health prob­lems. So food can be something that can make our bodies ugly and bring about diseases.

Experts say people should remember a wise proverb 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. This means that we should eat more fresh vege­tables and fruit, foods which arc high in fiber and vitamins А, В, С and E. Such vegetables as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower contain agents that block cancer. Beet greens, bell peppers, carrots and tomatoes as well as cherries, apricots and watermelon are rich in beta-carotene. We should have regular eating habits and try to have meals every day in the same time.

Regular exercise is an essential part of our life. I believe it's very important for people to have some regular exercises. It's very good for the posture, which I believe greatly affects the general health of the body, and makes you feel good. After doing some strenuous exercise followed by a shower, you can really feel that your life is renewed andyou have a fresh vigor with which to face the day. A person who takes regular exercise will stay physically fit, vigorous and keep a youthful shape.

Regular sleeping habits arc also important. We should remember that the most important period for our brain is from 12 p.m. to 3 a.m., as during this period our brain produces hormone melatonin, which helps us stay young and active. At night while we sleep our brain also pro­cesses and stores all the information learnt during the day. That is why staying late hours is not good for our health.

In conclusion I would like to say that it's easier to prevent a disease rather than try to cure it after you get sick. We should take a good care of our health, because health once lost is lost forever.

8. Let’s talk about different types of houses

Nowadays most people live in urban areas. Towns and cities are spreading into their surrounding environment to cope with the increase populations.

As well as I know, more people are buying their own houses or Hats than in the past. Others live in houses or flats that they rent from a pri­vate landlord, the local council or housing association.

My family lives in a block of flats. I think that it is the cheapest type of dwelling in any town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-roomed, two-roomed, three-roomed, so one can choose what they like. If you are going to live alone, you can prefer a studio to a large apartment. Among advantages of living in a block of flats some people name the fact that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But living in a flat has its disadvantages. Your neighbours can make a lot of noise when they hammer or drill the wall or set a party. I can say that all these disadvan­tages don't bother me much and it is a good type of housing. The largest part of population in our country lives in blocks of flats.

Living in a detached house gives you a lot of advantages. Your neighbours do not disturb you. As you have some land around the house, you can build outhouses. If I lived in a detached house, 1 would certainly build a garage, a padding pool and arrange some flowerbeds.

There are also those who like semi-detached houses or duplexes. To my mind, such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows and you have only one neighbour as op­posed to block of flats. And as you have a neighbor, you can always turn to them if you need something, though from time to time your neighbour can disturb you while repairing the their part of the house or listening to music loudly. But in general I am sure that it is quite convenient to live in a semi-detached house.

Some people prefer to live in the country cither in a small comfort­able cottage or in a large farmhouse. The way I see things is that people who prefer this type of dwelling really adore nature and they want to have calm life. Usually such people keep the poultry and the cattle. One of the advantages of living in such a house is that you have your ownland where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers. You can also build some outhouses like a green­house, a garage and a tool shed. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town. On the other hand, if you have a car it will not be difficult for you.

If to speak about England, I can say that the main types of houses there are detached houses, semi-detached houses, terrace houses joined together in long rows and fiats. Most houses in England arc made of stone or brick from the local area where the houses arc built. The colours of the stones and bricks vary across the country.

In conclusion I would like to add that there are different types of housing and all people have the right to choose where to live.

9. Let's talk about modern means of communication

Modern technology is rapidly spreading all over the Earth. Every of­fice is equipped with a personal computer, an answer-phone, a fax machine and a photocopier. Every teenager is able to use a video recorder, a camera or an MP3 player.

Ask a teenager or an adult if they can do without TV or the internet and most of them will honestly be surprised at the question. Radio and television play an important role in our life, they give the full coverage of (he latest events, comment on political and domestic affairs, contribute to the development of the information network.

Personal computers are being used in almost every field today. For in­stance, they can pay wages, reserve scats on planes, control satellites in space, work out tomorrow's weather, play chess and compose music. Supposing we had neither television nor the internet in our modern world, we wouldn't be able to obtain the necessary information as quickly as possible, we would lose an important source of education and communica­tion.

The most popular means of communication nowadays is the mobile phone. In Albania it is not unusual to see an older person riding a donkey while talking on a mobile phone. In India you can see a beggar making or taking a call on a cell phone. Advanced models of mobile phones enable users to access the internet, send and receive e-mail and text messages, watch TV, listen to music, take photos, navigate by the Global Positioning System and phone.

At the same time addiction, distraction, interruption arc perhaps the most recognized problems associated with popular communications and media technology. Let's consider (he example of two newlyweds in a Euro­pean country. According to a news report, they 'were on the phone constant­ly - in their cars, at the gym, even calling each other from different rooms inside their own house'. For many people the thought of being out of con­tact for even an hour is unbearable.

If to speak about disadvantages of television, there are people who wouldn't miss their favourite chat shows or football matches for anything in the world. Such people must remember that one can get addicted to TV, as it is a habit-forming drug impossible to resist. There are people who stop participating in any sports activities. Others stop going out to com­municate with their friends and relatives. Doctors keep reminding us that constant viewing inevitably degrades the eyesight. Sitting slows down the blood circulation and turns you into a couch potato.

George Bernard Shaw used to say that maximum of opportunities is always combined with maximum of temptation. This saying can be fully applied to modern means of communication and technical progress.

10. Let's talk about travelling and tourism


Travelling nowadays has become an important part of modem life. Millions of people all over the world travel about their own countries and to foreign lands as well. They are eager to sec and explore new pla­ces and learn more about different ways of life. Tourism comprises the activities of people travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. Any tourist trip is characterized by the displacement which involves different means of transport, purpose and duration.

So travelling and tourism depend on such industries as transporta­tion, accommodation and catering, attractions and activities, tour opera­tors, tourist agents and tourist information.

People travel to visit natural destinations such as seas, lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts and so on. They also visit built destinations and resorts. There are such types of tourism as domestic tourism when peo­ple visit destinations in their country, outbound tourism when people-visit other countries and incoming tourism that involves people arriving from other counties. People can go to some destination on holiday, which is called leisure tourism, or on business. There is also such pur­pose of travelling as visiting friends and relatives

It's always interesting to discover new things and other ways of life, to meet different people, taste different food, examine various architec­tural styles, visit museums and picture galleries. It's common knowledge that travelling is a key to understanding other cultures and a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the world we live in.

Nowadays people can travel in different ways. They can enjoy the comfort and speed of airlines as well as the conveniences of modem coaches and trains, or the luxury of a sea voyage. People choose this or that way of travelling according to their likings and financial possibili­ties.

1 personally prefer travelling by car. There are several reasons for it. First of all you don't need to reserve your tickets. Then you can go as slowly or as fast as you wish, stop whenever you choose and stay at any place you choose as long as you like. And, of course, you sec much more of the countryside than you do travelling by plane or even by train.

I can't say that I have travelled a lot in my life, nevertheless, last year my parents and I spent one week in Kiev. We arrived there by train. Travelling by train has its advantages as well. Most trains nowadays have very comfortable compartments as well as dining cars. Travelling by train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined.

I'm looking forward to a day when I can afford extensive travelling to far-away countries and about Belarus as well where there are a lot of unique and beautiful places to see. If I had an opportunity, 1 would visit Great Britain and Germany in future. France also attracts mc very much. As for travelling in Belarus, I would like to sec its beautiful castles situ­ated in Mir and Nesvizh and the Brest Fortress which is a monument of defence architecture.


We know a lot of stereotypes concerning the United Kingdom and its natives. Using them we are able to create the national characteristic that British people are believed to present. Many stereotypes are wrong, but some of them seem to be good. We should be aware though, that some of them aren't true.

The typical British representative should be the tea lover. What is more, the tea should be drunk in the exact time. Most of the British drink their tea at 5 o’clock They are also known to have a big traditional breakfast. The breakfast consists of many toasts covered with jam or marmalade which seem to be typical British. We couldn't even imagine how various can the British toasts be. The other stereotype is connected with the traditional British cuisine and some cooking traditions.  British meals are considered  to be completely tasteless They are unlikely  to be accepted by foreigners. The basic British dish is called  ‘fish and chips’ but most of tourists don't like it. There are a number of stereotypes about British gentlemen.  They appear to be too stiff and  conservative.  Moreover they speak with a strange British accent. They call the accent "Received Pronunciation" and it is thought to be a very distinguished one, but in fact it isn't. What is more typical, the British sense of humour is very specific. It is presented mostly in such British films and TV series as "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "Mister Bean" and "Black Adder". All of them present the stereotypes, which aren't often the truth.

The other stereotype is that the British youth are believed to be the clubbing lovers, which means that they enjoy walking form a club to the other club or pub at weekends. It is a kind of modern British tradition, which is today observed in various countries. But British young people are believed to enjoy their lives. In fact, the British young people turn out to be very different as the young people all over the world.

Summing up, the British aren't as conservative as they are thought to be. Their main characteristic is that they are talkative and very friendly. They seem to be also pedantic, but about every other nation we can say the same. Every nation has the stereotypical positive features and negative ones.




«The British are definitely romantic, much more romantic then Italians ...»

Generally British people are polite, but this way of behaviour is probably a mask for all kind of other feeling. They may be polite partly because they are afraid of drama and of confrontation. For this reason, they also may be attracted to «dramatic» people, like the Italian.

I would like to research into English people (my first wife is, in her own words, «a Londoner»). In our life, I find that Clare reacts and behaves in ways which I would describe as «British», or more specially English.

For the sake of simplicity I will use the word «British», although we should not forget that the Scottish, for example are an altogether different species. More immediately expressive, direct and hot-tempered, for example, then the English and the Welsh. Scottish people may be more open to foreign countries and contacts because they have traditionally looked for contacts.

     British people are obliged by society stereotyping to be polite;

     British accumulate negative emotions and feelings and do not as a rule express their real feeling spontaneously;

     They should expect a high level of heart attack;

     The powerful stereotype influences body gestures and movements;

     The British are not confident with their bodies, most British men dislike dancing, unless they have had a bit to drink.

     I think conservative dress reflects this luck of body confidence.

     Interpersonal contacts are generally rather cool and formal. Handshakes are not so warm. British punctuality should be connected with this formality, but also with a kind of respect and consideration for other people that helps avoid embarrassing confrontations.

   Adaptability is low.





Travelling to all over the world becomes easier and easier. We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other? You should know the national character of the country where you are going to travel. I'm Russian and as I'm learning English I would like to compare the English and the Russian character.

Some greetings in England and in Russia are very informal: a simple «good morning» or a wave of the hand across the street is quite enough. In England handshakes are only exchanged on a first introduction, in Russia men always shake hands with each other when they meet. English people do not readily ask each other to do anything. If they do ask, then they say something like «I don't really like asking you, but...» In contrast, Russians are not shy in asking for something.  In England, it is considered polite to give up one's seat to a lady who is standing, to open the door for her, to carry things for her, and so on. Russians are usually not very polite nation, it means that they don't give up a seat to women, to the old, and so on.

The best-known quality of the English is reserve. A reserved person is one, who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion. If English people are travelling by train, they will try to find an empty compartment. If they have to share the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation. If a conversation does start personal questions like «How old are you?» or even «What is your name?» are not easily asked. Questions like «Where did you buy this watch?» or «What is your salary?» are impossible. Russian people will hardly be looking for an empty compartment and I think there are seldom empty compartments on trains in Russia. They will begin conversation at once and speak to you about everything from your new watch up to politics and global problems in the world.

Closely related with English reserve is English modesty. If a person is, let us say, very good at golf, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will probably give an answer like «I'm not bad», or «I think I'm quite good». I don't think that Russian people are very modest. Such is the famous English sense of humor. They make jokes of themselves and their own faults. «He is a man of humor» or «he has no sense of humor» is often heard in Britain, where humor is so highly prized. I as well as many Russian people don't understand English humor and think that Russian humor is better. In recent years in Britain smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer British people now smoke. It is not polite to smoke in someone's house without asking «Do you mind if I smoke?» In Russia you can smoke almost everywhere. The majority of Russian people smoke. In some countries it is considered bad manners to eat in the streets, but both in Britain and in Russia it is common to see people having a snack while walking. The British regard their community as the center of the world. The British look at foreigners in general with contempt and think that nothing is as well done as in their own country. So English and Russian characters are very different. That's why you have to learn etiquette of other country not to look impolite.



American society seems to be much more informal than the British and, in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room. One does not always address a person by his title, such as «Major» or «General» or «Doctor» in the case of a holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree. The respectful «Sir» is not always used in the northern and western parts of the country. However, it is best to use a person's title when first meeting him/her, and then allow the person to tell you how s/he wishes to be called.

They use first names when calling each other, slap on the back, joke and are much freer in their speech, which is more slangy than the conventional British English. You will often hear the word «Hi» (a form of greeting among friends) used instead of the usual «Hello,» and «Howdy» instead of «How do you do?» Those who don't easily show these signs of friendship are called «snooty» or «snobbish.» In contrast, people who show such simple signs of friendship, particularly to their own economic and social inferiors, are praised as «regular guys,» or as «truly democratic.» As a description of character,democratic is generally used to signify that a person of high social or economic status acts in such a way that his or her inferiors are not reminded of their inferiority.

Yet, in spite of all the informality, Americans, even in the way they address each other, show consciousness of social distinction. For example, one is likely to use somewhat more formal language when talking to superiors. While the informal «Hello» is an acceptable greeting from employee to employer, the employee is more apt to say «Hello, Mr. Ferguson,» while the employer may reply «Hello, Jim.» Southerners make a point of saying «Yes, sir,» or «Yes, Ma'am,» or «No, sir,» or «No, Ma'am,» when talking to an older person or a person in a position of authority. While this is a good form all over the United States, «Yes, Mr. Weston» or «No, Mrs. Baker» is somewhat more common in a similar situation in the North or West. Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions. Women may wear hats in church, restaurants, and often when attending luncheons in public places and other public social functions except those that take place in the evening. Men who do wear hats ordinarily remove them in elevators, churches, restaurants, private homes, business offices — in fact, in most public situations when they wish to show respect.

Belarus On The International Arena

As a sovereign country, Belarus enjoys full rights and is active on the foreign arena. From the moment of setting up the United Nations Organization (UNO) Belarus as one of its constituent member states takes an active part in the work of this association, its organs and institutions. Belarus regularly sends its delegations to the sessions of the UNO General Assembly, has its permanent delegation and its own staff in it. Belarus is a member of some international specialized organizations, commissions, bureaus, funds and other organs.

On the initiative of Belarus the international organizations have adopted a number of important decisions, particularly on the punishment of war criminals, on education of youth in the spirit of ideas of peace and friendship among nations. Belarus has signed many treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions on co-operation with other countries in various fields. Belarus has many a time been the seat of convening international meetings, such as UNO seminars on social aspects of industrialization and on distribution of industry, seminars on the International organization of labour on inspection of labour, etc. Together with representatives of other peace-loving countries the envoys of Belarus are struggling for implementing a policy that answers the basic interests of all nations of the world, for their peace and security, co-operation and friendship.

The Belarusian people indefatigably strengthens and broaden its ties with the people of other countries. Its public organizations have established direct contacts and exchange delegations with their trade unions, youth, women's and sports organizations. Fruitful are the activities of the Belarusian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with foreign countries. It maintains contacts with many organizations of many countries.

Slavonic Bazaar

Lev Leshchenko: ‘Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk enhances Belarus-Russia brotherly relations’

VITEBSK, 12 July, 2012 (BelTA) – The international art festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk makes brotherly relations between Belarus and Russia stronger, said People’s Artist of Russia Lev Leshchenko as a star in his name was unveiled in the alley of laureates of the Belarus President award “Through art towards peace and mutual understanding” on 12 July. Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk is the only ex-USSR festival, to which artistes flock eagerly to share their art with spectators and talk to fellow professionals. It is there that Belarus and Russia are integrated through culture. The festival contributes to preserving and enhancing brotherly relations between the two nations. It is a great thing, said Lev Leshchenko. The artiste also talked about his warm feelings towards the city of Vitebsk. “I’ve read about the city many times, about Marc Chagall, I know what tragic consequences the war brought about: the city was virtually destroyed, with a huge number of people dead. I still feel this heroic stoical spirit. I like Vitebsk very much. I am fond of its remarkable environment, purity and hospitality of people”. The singer was truly touched by the award. At the star unveiling ceremony Lev Leshchenko could not but express his emotions. Together with the children’s collective Forum of the cultural center Vitebsk he was singing along and then fully joined in singing one of his smash hits “SolovyinayaRoshcha” [nightingale’s copse]. The artist mentioned his plans for the future. He admitted he was intent on going on a jubilee tour of three or four capital cities this year. He had recorded a disc “Unpublished songs”. For now it is a gift-wrapped edition but it may be released in numbers, said Lev Leshchenko.


It's quite natural that young people want to socialize with their equals so as to express their views on several political and social issues. They join youth organizations and societies. The main aim of these organizations is to involve young people into socially useful activities such as sporting events, volunteering at hospitals, taking care of war veterans, assisting the old and the handicapped, carrying out some ecological projects and doing other things.

There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are: the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM), the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the Association of Belarusian Scouts, the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons, the Belarusian National Scout Organization, the Association of Belarusian Guides, etc. The aforementioned organizations take an active part in the formation of the basis and implementation of the state policy in respect of youth. These activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth. The most numerous youth organization in our country is the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM). This organization works in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.



The Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) is a youth organization in Belarus. Its goals are to promote patriotism and to instill moral values into the youth of Belarus, to unite patriotically thinking young people for active participation in the construction of a society of social justice and progress using activities such as camping, sporting events and visiting memorials. The organization was created after a merger of other youth groups in 2002 and is the successor of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Byelorussian SSR. The BRSM is the largest youth group in Belarus and is supported by the Belarusian government.

The main objectives of the organization are as follows:

-          to express, defend and realize the rights and legal interests of its members;

-         to form the world outlook, based on moral and spiritual, as well as Christian, values;

-         to foster patriotism as the main spiritual and social value;

-         to express devotion to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, to the country, its people and its state symbols;

-     to give assistance to every member of the organization in his spiritual, intellectual and physical development and in realization of his abilities and creative potential;

      -     to take part in preparation of young people for the defense of their motherland.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union and its members accomplish their goals and objectives in the following activities:

- they participate in formation of youth policy and put it into practice;

- they support the initiatives of the youth, directed at self-perfection and all-round development of their individual   abilities;

- they help young people to become integrated members of society;

- they elaborate and accomplish different educational, social and other youth programs which do not contradict the   present legislation of the republic of Belarus;

- they render assistance in finding employment;

- they promote international youth co-operation;

- they attract the attention of the mass media and the bodies of state power to the problems and initiatives of the youth;

- they organize conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, concerts for young people; etc.



The BRSM was created on 6 September 2002, after the merger of two Belarusian youth organizations, the Belarusian Youth Union and the Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union. The Belarusian Youth Union had been considered the legal successor of Leninist Communist Youth Union of Belarus (the Komsomol branch in the Byelorussian SSR), the Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union had been created in 1997.



The BRSM national headquarters is located in Minsk, the national capital of Belarus. Each voblast of BelarusMinsk, Brest, Vitsebsk, Homiel, Grodno and Mogilev—has its own branches of the BRSM. The BRSM has estimated that it has 6803 branches located inside Belarus. The national leadership of the BRSM is controlled by the central committee, which is headed by the first secretary of the central committee. Below the first secretary are the second secretary of the central committee, the chairman of the central investigation commission, and three secretaries of the central committee. Collectively, these leaders are also referred to as the secretariat of the BRSM.

While the exact yearly and total funding of the BRSM are not known, the majority of funds given to the BRSM are given by the national government.


The BRSM has two official symbols: an emblem and a flag. The emblem, which is based on the Komsomol badge and modeled on the Belarusian national flag, has a red bar bearing the initials of the BRSM, written in gold in Cyrillic, over a green bar bearing a golden olive branch.

The flag of the BRSM has the same elements as the emblem, but the reverse of the flag bears the organization's full name in gold (in Russian) in the red section, with the green section unemblazoned.



In order to join the BRSM, the applicant must be between the ages of 14 and 31 and must send a photo of himself or herself. If the applicant is between the ages of 14 and 16 written permission from a parent or legal guardian must be granted. A count in 2003 by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting showed that the BRSM had roughly 120,000 members.  A person must also pay a one-time fee of 1,400 Belarusian rubles (around US$0.65) and a mid-year fee to continue membership in the BRSM. The total amount of the fee is adjusted based on the person's working and living status, and fee waivers are granted for children who are orphaned or disabled. Members of the BRSM have certain rights and duties and they can leave the organization at their own free will.


Most of the BRSM's activities are similar to those that were performed by the Soviet Komsomol. The main activities of the BRSM involve the promotion of Belarusian patriotism. This is accomplished by participating in wreath-laying ceremonies at various memorials around the country. BRSM members also pass out flowers to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) to honor their service during the national holiday Den Pobedy (Day of Victory). Both the memorial visits and the flowers for the veterans give BRSM members an idea of what sacrifices their ancestors made. During other national holidays, the BRSM passes out a ribbon that resembles the national flag of Belarus, to be worn on a shirt or jacket. This program, along with other events, is part of its "For Belarus!" (Russian: За Беларусь!) campaign.

The BRSM participates in outdoor activities and sports, including football, running, swimming and hockey. Some of these athletic events involve different groups from inside Belarus or from neighboring countries, such as Russia, Ukraine or Latvia. BRSM members also participate in competitions amongst themselves or with other foreign groups that are similar to the BRSM.

Social events, such as concerts for the youth of Belarus, are hosted by the BRSM The BRSM was one of the main organizers of the 2004 "Miss Belarus" pageant, a beauty competition along the same lines as Miss America and Miss Universe. While the BRSM does not get involved in politics, it’s the first secretary, Mikhail Orda, signed a letter along with other public officials denouncing the United States' Belarus Democracy Act of 2004.

BRSM organizes student construction brigades, a practice also originated in the Soviet Union.



International cooperation is among the objectives of youth policy in our country as well. The existing agreements are aimed at establishing and developing relations with youth organizations of other countries, inclu­ding the CIS states. Our young people attend various forums and confe­rences at which they debate and exchange opinions on youth problems in different countries. Youth international contacts are important and we all understand that the future of our planet is with the young and we lay our best hopes on them.




Youth and youth movement have become important factors in the life of the country. Numerous youth organizations have been formed since the Second World War, uniting young people from all classes and sections of the population.

There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain. All youth organizations can be divided into three large groups:

1. non-political organizations;

2. youth organizations associated with political parties;

3. youth organizations controlled by religious bodies.

The two largest non-political youth organizations are the associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides. There are about 1300000 boys and girls in them. The membership is voluntary1.

The Scout Association was formed in 1908 by General Baden Powell. His idea was to train boys in mapping2, signaling3, knotting4, first aid and all the skills that would arise from camping and outdoor activities. Most important of all for a Scout was to make a promise that he would do his best to do his duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to obey the Scout Law.

The Boy Scouts had a left-handed handshake5, a special badge and the motto "Be Prepared". The Scout Law embraces "honor, obedience, cheerfulness, thrift and cleanliness in thought and deed''.

The Scout movement was intended6 for boys from 11 to 14 (15), but in 1916 Baden Powell introduced a program for younger people. He called them Wolf Cubs. They had special uniforms, badges7, a special training system and the motto "Do your best!". The Wolf Cub pack is based on Kipling's "Jungle Book" about learning to survive.

The Girl Guides Association was founded by Baden Powell in 1910. It's divided into three sections: Brownies (from 7.5 to 11), Guides (from 11 to 16), Rangers8 (from 16 to 21). The program of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills including cookery, needlework, childcare. Like a Scout a Girl Guide must be a friend to animals. The Girl Guides Association has extensive international links.

There are some other non-political organizations: the Combined Cadet9 Force, Sea Cadet Corps, the Woodcraft Folk, the Youth Hostels Association, the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, Greenpeace.

Youth Organization Greenpeace deals with most urgent ecological problems. It protests against nuclear weapon tests, sea and soil pollution, etc. Sport clubs are characteristic youth organizations in the UK. They unite people who are interested in baseball, football, golf, etc. There also exist interest clubs. You can attend any club: from theatre to bird-watching clubs. By the way, bird watching clubs are very popular in Great Britain.

There are several youth organizations associated with political parties. The Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (YCND) unites young people and organizes mass rallies and meetings, demonstrations, marches of protest, festivals. It cooperates with the National Union of Students.

Religious young organizations and groups aim at helping to elderly people or working in hospitals. There are even groups where young people help released prisoners to start there life a-new. Religious organizations pay attention not only to the study of religious views but involve youth into such activities as music festivals and amateur theatre.

As you see, all these organizations aim at preserving and strengthening the social and political system existing in the country. Many of them have done and still are doing useful work in providing leisure facilities for young English people.




The Woodcraft Folk1 is the name of the Pioneer organization in England. Its members are children from workers' families. The or­ganization was founded in 1925. Boys and girls from six years up to twenty-one can join it. They all wear green suits with a badge. On the badge you can see a little green fir-tree2.

The Woodcraft Folk have three groups. The largest group are boys and girls who are eleven to sixteen years old. They are called Pioneers. Another group are boys and girls who are six to eleven years old. They are called Elfins3. There is also a group of big boys and girls who are sixteen to twenty-one years old. They are called Kins4,

The Elfins are not Pioneers; they are too young for that. In the Woodcraft Folk organization they sing and dance, play different games, go in for sports. When they are eleven years old, they become Pioneers. In summer Pioneers live in camps in the country. They learn how to make a fire5 and how to make tea on it. They also study trees and flowers, and pick berries. They must know how to find their way in the forest. They also play games and go in for sports.

The Woodcraft Folk sometimes work in the fields or in the gar­dens for money. In towns and cities they organize concerts also for money. They sing, dance and read poems. With the money which they earn6 they buy things for their life in camps.

There are ten members in a section of Pioneers or Elfins. At the head of a section is a Kin, he or she is the leader of the section. The Kin organizes the Pioneers and the Elfins, helps them in their games and studies.

The Woodcraft Folk have pen-friends in other countries. They write letters to children of other countries. They want to know how children and young people live there, how they learn and how they play.

The Woodcraft Folk are also fighters for peace in the world. Kins and the Pioneers often take part in meetings and demonstrations.